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Imprint - TCM Meridian Massage


Provider / person responsible
Responsible for the content, domain owner and provider 
Business owner:
Mr. Zhitao Yu
TCM massage studio

Rosenheimer Strasse 102
81669 Munich
Phone: 0179 58 111 88


Mr. Zhitao Yu

TCM meridian massage

Thalkirchner Str. 129,

81371 Munich

Tel: 0179 179 68 68



Tax number: 143/158/30215

All contents of this website including the design and programming are subject to copyright (© Copyright). All rights reserved. Any duplication or distribution in any medium as a whole or in parts requires the written consent of TCM Massage Studio. Protected brands and names, images and texts are usually not identified as such on our website. However, the lack of such a label does not mean that it is a free name, a free image or a free text within the meaning of trademark law.

Liability for retrievable content
TCM Massage Studio endeavors to keep the website up-to-date, correct and complete. Nevertheless, errors cannot be ruled out. Lucky Wellness GmbH assumes no liability for the correctness or completeness of the content available here. This relates to any material or non-material damage to third parties caused by the use of this website. Any legal notices are non-binding and without guarantee for the correctness and therefore not legally binding. Offers are only legally binding if they have been submitted by a TCM Massage Studio employee either orally or on a handwritten signed document.

Liability for links
The external links to third-party offers within the framework of TCM Massage Studio lead to the content of the respective provider. These corresponding references are recognizable as such from the context or are marked separately. The external content was checked for possible legal violations to a reasonable extent at the time of linking. We have no influence whatsoever on the content provided there and we do not adopt it through the links. TCM Massage Studio expressly distances itself from the statements available there. In addition, liability can only be established if we are aware of legal violations and it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent their use (Section 5 (2) TDG / MDStV). Violations of copyrights, trademarks or personal rights or violations of competition law on the websites of the third-party providers were not apparent and are just as little known to us as the fulfillment of criminal offenses there.

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